State TID Camp Selections

Congratulations to athletes (see full list attached) that have been selected to attend the State TID Camp which commenced on Saturday 1st August at MSAC and will operate on a weekly basis until 22 August.
These training sessions are part of the new National Aged Group Pathway (NAGP) program with athletes identified as having potential national squad representation. The program is a recognition of skill level, commitment, attitude, and aptitude shown from State Team trials and WPVAE Academy.
Unfortunately, due to limitations of pool space, COVID restrictions and NAGP requirements not all athletes that are part of the State Team Program were able to be invited. It is anticipated that there will be future opportunities for other athletes to involved in similar camps in the future.
These sessions will consist of national testing protocols, swim training and specific polo skills. Sessions are designed in part to prepare athletes who are nominated to attend National Training Camps (‘Launch to LA’) in September/October holidays. Note that in accordance with the new NAGP guidelines, athletes previously selected in national squads from AYC20 are required to attend the State TID Camp and be nominated by WPVic. In addition, there is the possibility of extra selections being made from performances in the first couple of weeks at the Camp.
Launch to LA Camps (at Kawana)
Girl Cadets (B2006/2005) and Youth (B2004/2003) 26th to 30th September
Boy Cadets (B2006/2005) and Youth (B2004/2003) 1st to 5th October
Junior Women’s Camp (in Sydney) – B2002/2001 4th to 9th October
Junior Men’s Camp (Venue TBC) – B2002/2001 4th to 10th October
If anyone has any questions or queries, contact can be made with WPVic on